Monday, January 27, 2014

Racing Level Beat Sheet

Here are the six major moments I plan to have within my racing level.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jungle Themed Racing Game

For my game design class I'm designing a racing level that has a jungle theme.  The level will be populated by exotic plants and an abundant amount of tikis, including a massive tiki head the player can drive into.  The time of day will be sunset.

Concept Statement:
Can you escape?

The jungle is angered because cars are ruining its jungle floor and is trying to dispose of all outsiders.

Color Scheme:

The color scheme will be variants of greens and blue greens while the tikis will be more red and purple to stand out in all the brush.

The map changes per lap, each color representing a different lap, red is first, then blue, then green.  All three laps have a common departing path from the starting line.  I plan to have a differing path by having bushes uncover to reveal the paths and cover up the past tracks.  A game I feel has done this exceptionally well is Paper Mario.  The main terrain of the level will be a dirt road with grass on both sides of the track.  On the grass there will be some exotic plants and some large rocks.  On the dirt road there will be some mud traps and some tikis to avoid.  A major landmark will be a massive tiki head that you go into, you'll be able to see it in the distance in the first lap, second lap you go inside it, and final lap you climb the track going around it the whole time.

Real Life example:
The first jump from this video I think I might include in my level, it's a truck going off a jump at an extreme angle.

The player will be able to make the jump easily, but the hard part will be to stay on track without hitting a wall.  Once the player lands from the jump, because the two tracks aren't lined up on top of each other, the player will have to make a sharp turn in order to not hit a wall and lose speed.