Thursday, October 31, 2013

Crazy Conductors: A Game of Twisting Tracks...

Although I've went through many versions and iterations of my board game, it's finally completed.

It's a slightly chance based strategy game which involves balancing the acts of reaching your goal and hindering your opponent.  If you want to play it, here's the download link, for the best printing results print it on double sided paper.

Crazy Conductors

Additional instructions for making the spinner.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Board Game Theme

The War of Ages, who will last?
In The War of Ages the players compete in a battle of the minds.  The knowledgeable future uses an array of tactical positioning to shoot the opposing enemy while the savage past must charge into battle to strike the enemy.  The board is a grid like system that units can move in any direction depending on unit type, the center of the board will give negative effects to the opponent.  To win, the player must either capture the opposing teams 'essence' or hold the center of the hill long enough to destroy the opposing players region.
Gain Ground, is a game of strategic placement.  It involves traversing each battlefield with a character and reaching the exit with all avatars or by defeating all the enemies on screen, whichever comes first.  There are twenty playable avatars in this game, each with a unique movement style and attack style.  I plan on using this game to balance my board game since even though it has a diverse play style range, it's still balanced.

Color Scheme

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Here's twenty board game ideas for my game design class.

  1. The player moves up levels in order to reach the highest level.
  2. Each player takes turns rolling die in a battle to equal a high number in the hundreds, pick a card each turn for multipliers.
  3. Player navigates a space in order to run from a monster, movement is based on die rolling
  4. Jump over pieces in order to be the first to have no units, each time a unit is jumped over it is taken away.
  5. Players compete to kill each other on a hill like board.
  6. Take turns rolling dice and chose to move players backwards.
  7. Take turns attacking object, whoever deals most damage wins.
  8. A game with movement in height, all directions.
  9. Take turns removing pieces from a object, last standing wins.
  10. Pick up sticks without touching other sticks.
  11. Movement is based on amount of pieces.
  12. Movement is based on cards picked up.
  13. Players stare at a picture and guess parts of it to move.
  14. Players spell words to move.
  15. Players solve math problems to move.
  16. Players  do challenges noted on cards to move.
  17. Players place blocking points and move to the end blocking the opponent.
  18. Arrows depict where to move, rotate an arrow each turn then step on it to move.
  19. Players move in L paths.
  20. Players move in sine waves, must meet other players.