Friday, September 26, 2014

Game Mechanics

For my game design class now we have to think of a game mechanic/game and then create it within UE4.

1.  Two forms of shooting to reach multiple levels of platforms, retro style arcade get to the next stage.
2.  Dungeon crawler where the player must kill hordes of enemies while running.
3.  The player must escape the room, all they have is a grappling hook.
4.  The player is on rails, they must reach the end of the level without dying once.
5.  The player can roll to pick up speed, but while rolling enemies deal double damage.
6.  Player must cast spells against hordes of enemies.
7.  Player uses lightning to attack, must charge by running, building friction, or other means.
8.  Collect colors, each time a color is collected the world changes drastically, and all things turn that color.
9.  The player only has a pickaxe, they must dig to kill enemies and escape or they'll run out of air.
10.  The player is falling constantly, and must break up debris with their gun in-order to land softer.

Friday, September 12, 2014

FPS Multiplayer Map

For my game design class I have to create a level for a first person shooter game.  My level is going to be set in an urban college.  There will be two teams, which spawn in their own buildings.  One team are the teachers, the other team are the students.

Here is the top down view of the map, it's simple but it has lots of chances to dive for cover.  I wanted the map to not be about walking around a corner and spotting the enemy and a shoot out to start.  I want the players to both have a chance to have little mini skirmishes that can turn into huge team battles because of all the cover available.  The center of the map is designed for the huge team battles.  The rest of the map is designed for intrusive combat.

This is an isometric view of the map, the two buildings are the spawn.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Halo 3 Guardian Multiplayer Map Analysis

Guardian, in Halo 3, is a versatile multi-player map that has many ways to get to various locations.  It's a small map and the many pathways adds to the fast pace excitement.

This is my recreation of Guardian, the yellow dots are weapon locations.  The weapons are tightly condensed and spread all over the place, this ensures a fast paced game where the weapons will be able to respawn fast enough to keep up with player death.

Here is a video of a MLG match on Guardian.